Unlike The Flu, You Totes Should Share This With Your Friends

Unlike The Flu, You Totes Should Share This With Your Friends

Three things I can pinky promise you are:

1. I'm opiniated enough - you won't see ChatGPT and others alike here.

2. It won't be perfectly polished (pun fully intended)

3. This is not a mortuary - expect some fun and bad jokes.

The Rise of 'Save More' Advice and Why it Doesn't Work

We're constantly told we must save more, even though this advice produced nothing but more debt across the world, so what's going on? ...more


July 10, 20234 min read

The Rise of 'Save More' Advice and Why it Doesn't Work

100% mortgages won't help you

Skipton Building Society has just introduced 100% mortgages so crack open a bottle of Prosecco as it seems you’re buying yourself a new gaff. ...more


May 12, 20236 min read

100% mortgages won't help you
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