Unlike The Flu, You Totes Should Share This With Your Friends

Unlike The Flu, You Totes Should Share This With Your Friends

Three things I can pinky promise you are:

1. I'm opiniated enough - you won't see ChatGPT and others alike here.

2. It won't be perfectly polished (pun fully intended)

3. This is not a mortuary - expect some fun and bad jokes.

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Rudolf Doesn't Work All Year - Neither Should You

December 20, 20232 min read

If You Can't Sign Off During Christmas - It's A Damn Good Indicator & It Ain't Good...

Rudolf works hard for a week in the year, the rest of the time he is somewhere in Lapland grazing the lands and living a good hedonic life of a reindeer doing whatever such life entails.

Why should you do any different?

Fair point, Rudolf is a magical creature and you and I are NOT, for most part anyway.

But this is not to say he doesn't have something to teach us.

If you feel like you have to work over Christmas it's a great indicator that your business is working you, not the other way around.

It became somewhat of a tradition for me to sign off from social media and not do any work over Christmas - and I'm doing it again this year.

I'm going to read books, light a wood burning stove every night, try to stay away from mince pies (the devils aren't Paleo friendly) and do 176 rounds of the downstairs circuit between the dining room, the living room and the kitchen running after my toddler.

And after the year I've had - this prospect is thrilling to me.

Before we say farewell and get tissues out there are some things I would love to happen to you over Christmas!

So without further ado and in no particular order - I wish you:

  • the mince pies that don't grow your waist, arse or weigh heavily on the scales

  • really generous Santa, like we're not talking perfume here, more like big rocks, holidays in your favourite SPA or a long weekend in Italy booked for January

  • that one family member that always does your head-in gets a non-life-threating cold/flu/Covid and regrettably won't make it (to Christmas dinner, not 'not-make-it-through' - I'm not that evil)

  • late cut Christmas tree that doesn't litter your entire house with needles prematurely - we've all bought some corpse of a tree at least once before...

  • turkey that doesn't resemble the texture of Sahara desert on Boxing Day - if you have any tips - send them my way!

  • and all the other good stuff such as health, happiness and love, and success, and grand time.

It's been a blast and can't wait to see what we can all make happen in 2024.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


P.S. If you aren't yet subscribed to my Lazy Profit Pill goodness - you can fix it here. 👈

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Kat Kuczynska

Business & Money Strategist | Rapid Transformation Coach | Expert In Building Lazy Profits™ | Property & Stock Market Investor | Keynote Speaker

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