Business & Money consultancy for CEO's and multi-passionates who are here to have it all


Business & Money consultancy for CEO's and multi-passionates who are here to have it all

Build a Business That Lets You Spend What You Want, When You Want…

Pssst! Without even checking your bank account balance.

For personal brand businesses who want to get off the social media rat race whilst selling to thousands adoring buyers.

Lazy Profit Lab is the feel-&-do-good passive income 10-day mini course, it will make you tons of money, unshackle you from the authoritarian Google calendar and turn you into a passive income making machine - right from your inbox.

Oh, and it's free...

    Contents of my brain were spilled in

    Ditch the generic business advice & the social media rat race you’ve been sucked into.

    It doesn’t work.

    You can make the money you deserve without having to practise the latest twerking TikTok trend.

    You’ve done the quick & easy-marketing course

    You followed their teachings like a Tibetan monk...

    and… (drumroll, please!)... fucking crickets.

    It’s time to be lazy, finally do this business malarky your way and reclaim all the time you’ve wasted on webinars, Instagram lives and Canva-faffing whilst running around like a blue-arsed fly and somehow still not making the money you want.

    "Thank you for the laughs this morning!

    I love your writing style 😆 and lunch with you sounds amazing 😂"

    - Subscriber

    Supercharge Your Time AND Money. Totes cringe- & stress-free.

    I bring you the world’s wisest, creative and engaging to read books, quotes and pure business and money genius-juice condensed into this 10-day email mini course designed to inspire you to start plotting your own lazy profit rebellion.

    You have kids to force feed steamed broccoli

    You’re brewing over a semi passive aggressive Twitter comment you've got to respond to

    At the end of the day you still have to handle a husband who’s set on telling you about his latest chain saw purchase that you’ll need to pretend you’re genuinely paying attention to…

    Hence this course is purposefully quick and filled with the fun & light, yet deadly effective business and passive income frameworks so there will be no more eye rolling and money talk snoozing. Zzzzzzzzz…

    Supercharge Your Time AND Money. Totes cringe- & stress-free.

    I bring you the world’s wisest, creative and engaging to read books, quotes and pure business and money genius-juice condensed into this 10-day email mini course designed to inspire you to start plotting your own lazy profit rebellion. You have kids to force feed steamed broccoli to, a semi passive aggressive Twitter comment to respond to and a husband who’s set on telling you about his latest chain saw purchase that you’ll need to pretend you’re genuinely paying attention to… Hence this course is purposefully quick and filled with the fun & light, yet deadly effective business and passive income frameworks so there will be no more eye rolling and money talk snoozing. Zzzzzzzzz…

    Get Your Mojo Back And LOVE Running Your Business Again, Every Day.

    Your business isn’t supposed to be a time-sucking Dracula leaving you drained off the will to live, busier than ever before and not having time to enjoy the money you make.

    By getting this daily dose of inspiration, you’ll start to see how you can slay the time-vampire (no garlic, holy water or sharp stakes required) so that you’ll have time to be bored again. Imagine that!

    Even your other half will finally compliment your business and stop seeing it as another expensive hobby. Envious admiration of all the assholes who ever doubted you is optional, but ohhh so satisfying.

    Disclaimer: no real vampires were harmed during the testing or the implementation of the Lazy Profit Lab methodology.

      If You Want Less Emails - Hit Pause But Let's Stay Friends With Serious Benefits

      Worried once I have your email I’ll haunt you forevaaaaaa…? Pinky-promise, my dear, I’ll have your back, as well as your email address.

      You’re always in full control over the frequency of emails, snooze settings and even the bastard calories hidden in every bowl of tiramisu - or at least two of these.

      We’re not getting married and this isn't 'till death do us part' deal, so you can leave me anytime. But then,

      why would you do this to me?!

      Just in case, I'll have my therapist on standby.

      You can rest in peace knowing you can snooze, switch to weekly or unsubscribe anytime. Even if you do, I know you’ll find me again when the time is right.

      “Ticket to Paradise” style. Couldn’t help myself. George Clooney is still soo horn-inducing.

      "I just wanted to say that I am loving your emails! Looking forward to more - you make this path ahead seem exciting and possible - thank you!"

      - Subscriber

      If You Want Less Emails - Hit Pause But Let's Stay Friends With Serious Benefits

      Worried once I have your email I’ll haunt you forevaaaaaa…? Pinky-promise, my dear, I’ll have your back, as well as your email address. You’re always in full control over the frequency of emails, snooze settings and even the bastard calories hidden in every bowl of tiramisu - or at least two of these. We’re not getting married and this isn't 'till death do us part' deal, so you can leave me anytime. But then, why would you do this to me?! Just in case, I'll have my therapist on standby. You can rest in peace knowing you can snooze, switch to weekly or unsubscribe anytime.  Even if you do, I know you’ll find me again when the time is right. “Ticket to Paradise” style. Couldn’t help myself. George Clooney is still soo horn-inducing.

      "You started your business to make waves in your industry, but those waves were supposed to carry the dosh to fill up your bank account too and give you freedom to see your kids pull off the stunts your family will laugh about forever, not just hear about them from your childminder.

      Instead, you're the new social rat. Stuck in yet another race, much like the one you escaped your corporate career from. Fed up with being chained to the content creation schedule to keep reaching your business goals.

      It doesn't have to be this way. There's nothing wrong with you. What's wrong is the business model. 98.79% of businesses are not built for Lazy Profits. They're built to leverage you, your expertise, or both!

      But fear not, my dear as you're here now, right?

      Ditch the generic business advice that doesn’t work and the social media rat race you’ve been sucked into. 

      Let's build a business that lets you spend what you want, when you want…

      Pssst! Without even checking your bank account balance."

      - Kat Kuczynska

      Expert in Building Lazy Profits™, accredited Business Strategist,

      Money Strategist and Property & Stock Market Investor.

      Build a Business That Lets You Spend

      What You Want, When You Want

      Subscribe today and hatch the idea for you own lazy profit rebellion by this time next week.

      No strings attached, all yours & all free.

        Make yourself at home, you're in the right place

        Money is here for you to get control over your time.

        Not having that control is the most powerful way to limit your happiness. Your business is how we gain that control.

        Hi, I'm Kat - Business & Money Consultant, Property & Stock Market Investor, Rapid Transformation Coach, Keynote Speaker and expert in creating Lazy Profits™.

        I'm here to help multi-passionate and ambitious women like you build devilishly profitable businesses, whilst having more time than ever to live the life they dream of and being unapologetically free.

        Because you were born to have freedom.

        Not just a kick-ass business.

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